The First 100 days of the new UK labour government

In his first 100 days as Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer has faced a mix of challenges and achievements. Here are some key highlights:

  1. Economic Challenges: Early in his tenure, Chancellor Rachel Reeves revealed a £20 billion “black hole” in public finances, which has significantly influenced the government’s policy decisions. This led to controversial measures like means-testing Winter Fuel Payments for pensioners.
  2. Policy Initiatives: Starmer’s government has focused on delivering change and restoring public service. However, some of their decisions, such as not scrapping the two-child benefit cap, have faced criticism.
  3. Political Landscape: Starmer has had to navigate internal party dynamics and external political pressures. His leadership style and decisions have been under scrutiny, with some commentators questioning his political acumen.
  4. Public Perception: The Labour Party’s approach and Starmer’s leadership have been met with mixed reactions. While some appreciate the shift from the previous administration, others are concerned about the effectiveness of his policies and leadership

Overall, Starmer’s first 100 days have been a period of adjustment and laying the groundwork for his government’s future actions. How do you feel about his performance so far?

Sir Keir Starmer Is Prime Minister

Today marks a significant turning point in British politics as Keir Starmer officially becomes the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. This historic moment follows a decisive victory for the Labour Party, which has not held power since 20101.

The Challenges Ahead

As Prime Minister, Starmer faces a myriad of challenges. The UK is grappling with economic uncertainty, the ongoing impacts of Brexit, and a strained public health system. However, his victory signals a desire for change among the British electorate. Starmer has pledged to address these issues with a pragmatic and inclusive approach, aiming to restore trust in government and deliver tangible improvements to people’s lives.

Party Manifestos – Election 2024

As the United Kingdom gears up for another pivotal general election, the political landscape is abuzz with the release of party manifestos. These documents are not just political promises; they are blueprints that outline the future each party envisions for the country. In this article, we delve into the manifestos of the major UK parties, dissecting their key points and pledges. From Labour’s extensive 136-page document to the Conservative Party’s bold economic and social initiatives, we explore how these manifestos aim to shape policy, impact finances, and address the big issues facing the nation. Join us as we unravel the commitments set forth by the political contenders and what they mean for the citizens of the UK.

Conservative Party Manifesto 2024

Labour Party Manifesto 2024

Liberal Democrats Manifesto 2024

Green Party Manifesto 2024

Reform UK Manifesto 2024

Scottish National Party Manifesto 2024

Plaid Cymru Manifesto 2024

ALBA Manifesto 2024

At the time this article was published, the ALBA manifesto had not been released. However a page giving details of Policies is available.

Workers Party of Britain

Scottish Greens Manifesto 2024

At the time this article was publised, the Scottish Greens manifesto had not been released.

Northern Ireland

composite image of a man in top hat and tails dancing on a ballot box

The Ballot Box Tango: A Dance of Democracy

Once upon a time, in the not-so-far-off land of Britannia, the citizens were gearing up for their most beloved (and sometimes befuddling) tradition: the election dance-off, also known as the UK electoral process.

Character: Meet John Q. Public, a lovable everyman with a penchant for tea and a healthy dose of skepticism about politicians. He’s our hero, the voter, looking to make his mark (quite literally) on the future of his country.

Composite image of an old man holding a cup and a ballot paper

Problem: John’s dilemma is as old as time—or at least as old as the Magna Carta. He’s overwhelmed by the barrage of political jargon, the never-ending parade of candidates, and the existential dread of choosing the lesser of “who’s she again?”

cartoon of various characters representing political candidates

Guide: Enter Dame Democracy, a wise and witty guide with a twinkle in her eye and a ballot paper in her hand. She’s here to demystify the process and lead John through the maze of manifestos and polling stations.

Composite image of an older woman representing Dame Democracy. She's holding a ballot paper and wearing an extravagant hat.

Plan: Dame Democracy lays out a simple plan for John:

  1. Register to Vote: “If you’re not in, you can’t win,” she says with a wink.
  2. Understand the Parties: She hands John a magical pair of spectacles that translate political speak into plain English.
  3. Cast Your Vote: She teaches John the ancient art of the pencil cross, a powerful symbol that can change the destiny of the nation.

Call to Action: “Now, John, it’s time to tango with democracy,” Dame Democracy declares, as she leads him to the polling station.

Success: John casts his vote, and the feeling of empowerment is electric. He’s contributed to the grand dance of democracy, where every step, every vote, and every voice counts.

Failure: If John doesn’t participate, he’ll be left with the dreaded “what if?” and the haunting melody of the could-have-been waltz.

cartoon of people dancing around a giant ballot box

Resolution: As the votes are counted and the results declared, John realizes that while his candidate may not always win, his participation in the dance makes him a champion of democracy.

And so, the citizens of Britannia twirl on, partners in the great Ballot Box Tango, where every election is a chance to lead, follow, or get out of the way.

General Election TV Debates

All the dates for the face-to-face General Election TV debates between the political parties and their leaders on UK television.


  • Head-to-Head: Tuesday 4 June, ITV ‘s Julie Etchingham will host the first major election debate from 21:00, between Mr Sunak and Sir Keir.
  • Seven-party debate: Friday 7 June, London – Mishal Husain will moderate a debate between leading figures from the seven biggest political parties, the Conservative Party, Labour Party, Liberal Democrats, Scottish National Party (SNP), Plaid Cymru, Green Party and Reform UK, in Great Britain. It will be broadcast from 19:30-21:00 on the BBC. Labour has said Sir Keir will not be attending the seven-party debate, while Mr Sunak has not yet decided.
  • The ITV Election Debate 2024: Thursday 13 June, moderated by Julie Etchingham. To be broadcast on ITV. Leaders or senior representatives from the following parties will participate; Conservative Party, Labour Party, Liberal Democrats, SNP, Reform UK, Green Party and Plaid Cymru. Broadcasting on 13 June at 20:30 on ITV.
  • Question Time Leaders’ Special: Thursday 20 June, York – Fiona Bruce will present the show with questions from a studio audience, involving leaders of the four biggest political parties in Great Britain, broadcast from 20:00-22:00 on the BBC.
  • Head-to-head debate: Wednesday 26 June, Nottingham – Sophie Raworth will host the event involving Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer. This is set to be the final TV debate of the election campaign and will be broadcast from 21:00-22:00 on the BBC.

Scotland, Wales and NI

Debates have also been scheduled in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland:

  • Scotland Election 2024 Leaders’ Special: Tuesday 11 June – Stephen Jardine will chair a debate featuring the leaders of the five Scottish parties. They will appear in front of a live audience on BBC One Scotland from 20:00-21:00
  • Wales Leaders’ Debate live: Friday 21 June – Bethan Rhys Roberts will host a debate programme in Cardiff from 19:00 on BBC One Wales with the leaders of the main parties in Wales
  • Northern Ireland Leaders’ Debate: Thursday 27 June – Tara Mills will preside over a debate featuring the main party leaders in Northern Ireland, broadcast on BBC One Northern Ireland

First TV Debate Announced

The first TV debate for the upcoming UK general election has been announced. It will feature a head-to-head discussion between Rishi Sunak, leader of the Conservative Party, and Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party. The debate is scheduled to be broadcast on ITV1, ITVX, and STV, and will take place on June 4 at 9pm local time.

This event, titled “Sunak v Starmer: The ITV Debate,” will be moderated by Julie Etchingham, who has previously moderated the 2015, 2017, and 2019 ITV debates. It promises to be an engaging hour-long session, held live in front of a studio audience.

The debate is part of ITV’s broader election coverage, which will also include an interview program with other party leaders and a multi-party debate. The BBC and Channel 4 are also planning extensive coverage with their own debates and special programming. This marks a significant moment in the election campaign, providing voters with the opportunity to hear directly from the two main party leaders.

Rishi Sunak told ITV News he was looking forward to the debate.

“The choice at this election is increasingly clear,” he said. “Bold action with a clear plan for a more secure future with the Conservatives or back to square one with no plan or no certainty with Labour.”

Sir Keir also said that he was looking forward to the debate.

“I get the chance to talk directly to your viewers and to make our argument. To say to them the choice is really clear. You’ve had 14 years of chaos, division and failure – we can turn a page on that and usher in rebuilding with Labour.”

Stage Set for Sunak and Starmer’s Live Debates

UK General Election 2024: A Stage Set for Sunak and Starmer’s Live Debates

In a remarkable turn of events, the UK’s political landscape is set to be electrified with the announcement that Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer have agreed to participate in live TV election debates. This decision marks a significant moment in the run-up to the 2024 UK general election, promising an engaging and dynamic discourse for the electorate.

The Debate Agreement

The Conservative Party, led by Rishi Sunak, has been advocating for a series of six TV debates, one for each week of the campaign. However, Labour officials have committed to two major debates to be broadcasted by the BBC and ITV. This compromise breaks the ice on what has been a contentious issue, with the Tories previously dubbing Starmer as ‘the Knight afraid to fight’.

The Importance of Live Debates

Live debates are not a new phenomenon in UK politics, but they hold a special significance in the digital age. They offer a platform for leaders to outline their visions directly to the voters, unfiltered by the press or social media. The debates are expected to cover a wide range of pressing issues, from economic policies to social welfare, healthcare, and Britain’s role on the global stage.

Public Reaction

The public’s anticipation for these debates is palpable. The last general election debates in 2019 attracted an audience of 6.7 million viewers, highlighting the importance of these events in shaping public opinion. With the commitment from both party leaders, the 2024 debates are poised to be a pivotal moment in the election cycle.


As the UK gears up for the 2024 general election, the agreement between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer to engage in live TV debates is a win for democracy. It ensures that the electorate will have the opportunity to witness a direct exchange of ideas and policies, enabling them to make an informed decision at the polls. The stage is set, and the nation eagerly awaits what promises to be a series of compelling political showdowns.

This blog post reflects the latest developments as of May 24, 2024.

Who should be the next PM?

Who Should be the Next Prime Minister?

General Election Polling – First Look

At the start of the General Election campaign 2024, we look at the initial polling statistics. In the 6 weeks running up to July 4th, the date of the election, it’s likely the predictions will change significantly as voters often don’t make up their minds until there’s actually a vote to be made.

BBC poll summary

general election voting intention: 22 May 2024 - BBC
General election voting intention: 22 May 2024 – Image: BBC

The BBC has summarised the latest public-domain polling information to give an initial view of how the major political parties start out in the 2024 General Election campaign.

General Election July 4, 2024

Rishi Sunak has fired the starting pistol on the general election – announcing it will take place on 4 July 2024.

The prime minister announced the date outside Number 10 on May 22nd, with the rain pouring down and music and protestors almost drowning him out from just outside the Downing Street gates.

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